Pete's F650GS adventure ride

The first 4 days

Okay okay it has been four days since I left my home at Upper Lansdowne. After being fine sunny weather for weeks that day I woke up to rain. Luckily it only rained till Kempsey an hour up the highway where I managed to meet up with Beck, Jason and Coby, my other family, for my first McDonald’s coffee of the trip. After a good catchup, a few pix and a bit of emotion, got back on the bike and headed North.

The first Macdonalds coffee of the trip with my Kempsey family...

The first Macdonalds coffee of the trip with my Kempsey family…

Rode until I got to Ballina and stay the night in a motel, boy am I carrying too much gear.

The next day I had to get to Ipswich to contact Bill at Guzzler custom seats. Got there in good time, met Bill and he went to the process of modifying my seat to  to fit my  bum. Feels like  he has done a good job.

After that rode up to my brother’s house at Nudgee Beach, north of Brisbane to enjoy a couple on nights of $1.75million luxury with perfect hosts.

This house is up for sale if you want to buy it. Beautiful.

All good things must end so come Friday morning it was time to hit the road again.

Friday was good because finally got away from boring freeways. Headed for Hervey bay. Nice place just not my cup of coffee so after a quick whip around and a photo looking back across Morton Bay to my brothers house.

I going north to Burrum Heads for another night in a hotel as all the caravan park work full of School holiday makers. Bike is handling it all, no worries. Love it.

Today I head to Rockhampton before I turn left to Longreach and beyond.

2 thoughts on “The first 4 days

  1. Dan

    Hey Dad. Looks like you are making good progress. How was Rocky? Are you visiting all the nice places up the coast or making a beeline for Darwin? The way you are going you might make it out of the country before we have a new government. Looks like a long haul west from Rockhampton buy maybe only a few days to the NT.


  2. Pete Post author

    Hi Pal, Children should be seen and not heard, so therefore I dont really have to listen to you. However, Rocky was a bit quite mainly cause I was too pooped to kick on with the chaps I met who were in town from Lismore to do maintenance on the power station. Crashed around 8:30 which meant I was up for an early start. At 7:30, with the sun behind me, I was on the road and at 7 degrees c it was unexpectedly chllly, with a bit of fog as well.
    The road westward from Rocky is rather flat and featureless but with the speed limit at 110 for a lot of the time, I made it to Emerald by about 11am. Bit early to stop. Brought some camping food, hard to find any space to stash it, and set off to Barcaldine. Straight roads as far as the eye can see and then some. Stooped here and ther to give the shoulders a rest. The Kaoko cruise control is definitely worth having.
    Managed to get to Barcaldine by about 4:30pm. And now after 9 hours in the saddle I have to reply to your request.
    I might have a short day tomorrow and stopa Longreach, I have heard there is a bit to see there.
    Catch you later….Love Dad

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